Athena Awards

These women are power brokers

Woman empowerment is one of the most important movements of our time. And yet, so often, the focus is on how women look rather than what they accomplish. We wanted to change that. To show the world that women are powerful leaders. That's why we created this series. To shine a light on the amazing things women are doing, and to inspire others to do the same. We hope that by showcasing these strong, successful women, we can help make woman empowerment a reality for all.

We knew that in order to do justice to the powerful story of these incredible women, we needed to upend the standard format of the talking head interview and boring b-roll. We decided to lean into the aesthetics of a Michael Bay movie, using camera movement and lighting to convey a sense of power and grandness. The result was an unforgettable series that honored the strength and courage of these women.